Monday, March 24, 2014

Reunited: Bowers Twins!

It had been almost two months since I dropped Christina off at the Seattle airport with my parents.  This was the longest Christina and I had ever gone without seeing each other - beating our previous "record" by at least a month, if not more.  Needless to say, we were counting down the days until we would reunite at SeaTac airport once again.  

Before I get to the MAIN EVENT, one quick highlight from the week prior.

Thursday, March 20 - WhitePages sponsored GeekWire's PingPong Tournament.  I helped work the booth.  Over 800 people showed up to this networking event. WhitePages gave out stellar water bottles and a free iPad mini.  Most of the night was spent telling people how great WhitePages is, with cerveza in hand.  I was also able to watch the Intermediate and Expert final tournaments.  Unbelievable talent!  After the event ended, my coworkers and I continued the party until the late, late hours.  Next year, I am signing up to compete.  
Saturday, March 22 - 9am hot yoga (I can feel my practice improving and getting stronger).  11am, Christina arrives in Seattle!!!  Just to make the day extra special, Rainier was out in all its glory.  Chrissy had a window seat, so she even got to see it coming in!  After taking Chris on the obligatory WhitePages tour, we visited two glassblowing galleries downtown.  Seattle (currently) has the most glassblowing studios in the world.  
After the mini tour of the city, we drove back to my place, snuggled up on the couch, and watched movies to our heart's content.  Amid Frozen and Tangled, we enjoyed some vino and even cooked up some delicious(!!!) chicken parmesan wonton cups.  

Sunday, March 23 - aka our "Social Day."  Another gorgeous day in Seattle, we met up with our former coworker, Amber, her husband, Ryan, and their daughter, Lucy. We played on the beach, "ran" through the fields, and played a fair amount of hide and seek. :)
After returning from our trip to Golden Gardens, Chris and I met up with my roommate, Matty who took us on a tour of the UW campus.  UW is known for its cherry blossom trees and this weekend they were at their very best!

Look at that bright blue sky!!
After soaking in more Vitamin D than Chris has probably had in six months, we came back home for a quick power nap.  Well-rested, we continued onto my friend Matt's place for some delicious wine and aperitifs.  Kristina soon joined us and we made our way to an amazing restaurant on Eastlake called Ravish.  Well, ravish me silly, their menu was delectable.  Bacon wrapped dates, kale salad, fancy flat bread, baked brie... my mouth waters in memory.  

Monday, March 24 - For our last day together, Christina and I continued our movie and snugglefest.  Why mess with perfection.  After big hugs and a tearful goodbye, I once again dropped off my twinkie at the airport.

The rest of the day was dedicated to productivity.  Also, it was 66 degrees and sunny, so I decided to give my knee a go and hit the pavement.  I ran about 2 miles before the knee started chatting, but at least my walk home was in the sunshine. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Seattle Loves Soccer

Seattle has two big sports teams:  Seahawks and Sounders.  Football and futbol. Seattle no longer has a pro basketball team and the Mariners, well, who cares about baseball anyway unless you're at Wrigley field with a beer in your hand.

Now, there is a big difference between soccer in Chicago (Fire) and soccer in Seattle (Sounders).  I've never seen a Chicago Fire game and never cared to.  It simply doesn't have a big following.  Ever since I arrived in Seattle, all I've heard about are the Seahawks and the Sounders.

Speaking of differences, here's something for the folks at home - Seattle doesn't celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  At least not the way Chicago does.  The reason people are wearing green in the pictures is because it's a Sounders' color.  But I digress...

One week into the start of the season, I went to my first Major League Soccer game. The Sounders play at CenturyLink, the same field where the Seahawks play.  It is right in the heart of the city.  I went to the game with two friends and a few of their friends. We started with a little preparty where I celebrated St. Patrick's Day in my family's fashion - green beer. 
After we loaded and unloaded the bus into the city, we found the Sounders Parade walking through the streets.  Yes, there is a coordinated parade of people singing songs, chanting, and cheering as they walk to the stadium.
The weather was fantastic (the rain held out for us!) and the seats were great.  The Sounders ended up losing, but overall, the day itself was a win.  
Bonus!  We got to hear both anthems - sung by a very talented man!
With Dave and Melissa!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

When in Doubt, Sweat it Out

Highlights from the last week and a half!  It has been a lot of work but a lot of fun too!

Wednesday, March 5 - I was brought to an absolute gem in the city:  Il Corvo.  A locally owned, handmade pasta joint.  It was outstanding.  They are only open Mon-Fri, so if you come to visit, I'd plan on being here one of those days. 

Thursday, March 6 - Thanks to Kristina, I was able to go to the Radical Reels Tour!  Every year, the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival goes on tour to present the best high-adrenaline films entered into their competition.  Climbing, paddling, mountain biking, base jumping, skiing, snowboarding, etc.  For a glimpse into the evening, watch this. Seeing such talent was incredibly motivating!

Friday, March 7 - WhitePage's happy hour - beach-themed with hula hoops and mai tai's!  To follow, there was a going away party for one of my coworkers.  I joined the party a little late and found the table filled with pitchers.  No better way to sample the local flavors or get to know your coworkers!  

Saturday, March 8 - Girls Night!  Potluck, mojito margaritas, chick flicks, and more mojito margaritas.  I was able to meet new friends and catch up with some familiar faces as well.  We're thinking it may become a regular occurrence. :)

Sunday, March 9 - My parents visit!!!  Upon their arrival, we headed straight for the town of Woodinville, where they have 90(!) wineries.  After our fill of tastings and a stop at RedHook, I took them on a tour of WhitePages.  Then, it was off to the hotel where we enjoyed the pool and watched a movie accompanied by some amazing Thai food.  It felt wonderful to be on the couch just hanging out again (missing Chris, of course).  It was a short visit, but it was fantastic to see them and get their long-awaited hugs!

Monday, March 10 - After leaving work, my roommate, Matt, and I had an impromptu dinner at the Columbia Tower.  To refresh your memory, it's the tallest building in Washington (and most of the West coast).  We got to watch the sunset and the food was outstanding!

The tall building on the far right is Rainier Tower, where I work.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday This week, work has been busier than normal (yes, that’s Very Busy).  HOWEVER, this week’s focus has been exercising and I have stuck with it.  My building has a gym on the lower level – nothing stellar, but convenient.  I signed up on Monday and made my first appearance on Tuesday.  

Due to a project at WhitePages, I started work yesterday and today at 5:30 AM.  No doubt a 4:30 wake-up call is brutal, but leaving work at 3:30 affords me extra time to try something “new.”

Yesterday was the first time I walked into a hot yoga studio in two years.  It felt like it.  I remembered everything but my sweat rag (top 5 things you don’t want to forget), but I survived – sort of.  They say their heating system is more detoxifying and intense than others.  I believe them.  I sat a few times during class to ensure I didn't pass out.  I was lucky; there was another woman who lost her lunch in the locker room after class.  Leaving the studio (after a cold, cold shower), I felt amazing.  Sure, my body didn't stop sweating until 2 in the morning and I had a massive headache BUT I did it.  I woke up this morning feeling great, so I’m going for round 2 today!

<<Update:  Just back from round 2 and it was awesome.  That is all.>>

Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Music and More Skiing!

"A pair of skis are the ultimate transportation to freedom." - Warren Miller

Thursday, February 27 - After work, I attended a fundraiser with Kristina and Matt for Seattle's Helicopter Rescue Team. Local beer, live music, raffles and giveaways.  I even won a pair of $50 gloves (they're ginormous, but I'm working on an exchange)!  

Friday, February 28 - One month in Seattle!  Admittedly a little slow-moving in the morning, I made my way into work bright and early.  The sun was shining bright and it was simply a stunning day.  This was my first "Friday lunch" with the company and my first experience with pho!  The lunch was a huge success and the food was delicious!  To top off another great day, I went from contractor to perm status and am now an official employee of WhitePages!  Woohoo!

Saturday, March 1 - What a day!  With our ski bags packed, three ladies left Seattle at 6:15, headed to Crystal Mountain to meet up with some friends.  SheJumps, an organization dedicated to increasing female participation in outdoor activities, was hosting a girls' day out at Crystal Mountain - tutus and tiaras encouraged.  The ticket included free lessons; I, obviously, leapt at the opportunity.  I later learned that Betsy, one of the instructors, is one of the best instructors in Washington.  I'm not surprised; she was incredible and I feel much more confident on skis!  In 3.5 hours of skiing, I only fell a few times and one of those times was sacrificing myself for a child, so it doesn't count.  After skiing, there was a raffle and I won a ski bag!  My luck carries on!  

Following the event, we went to a dive bar called the Snorting Elk Cellar where one of the girls ran into some of her friends from college.  We went to their cabin and started an epic tournament of beer pong.  I don't know how, but the beer pong odds were completely in my favor.  Last night, I was easily the worst skier in the room and yet the best beer pong player.  I'll take it!

As if we hadn't crammed enough into the day, Kristina and I then went on to another house party where I dove into some outstanding Stouffer's lasagna.  After having been out for 18 hours already, we didn't last too long, but it was certainly a wonderful way to end the day.  

Sunday, March 2 - Today?  Today I did nothing.  It was amazing.

One Month in Seattle!

Hard to believe it's been a month already, but February 28 marked my 30th day out West.  A lot has happened in this first month!  Here's a quick recap for those keeping track:

1.  Seahawks won the Superbowl
2.  Attended the Seahawks rally in the stadium
3.  I got an incredible job!!!
4.  Went skiing in Canada
5.  Attended two fundraisers
6.  Went to a free concert
7.  It snowed in Seattle
8.  It's been really sunny in Seattle
9.  Went to a free concert
10.  And, of course, I met a lot of amazing people!

(Look closely, you can see the needle!)